Hello World.
I'm Asger Bjørn Jørgensen, a 32 years old researcher from Denmark! I'm currently working as an Assistant Professor at AAU Energy, Aalborg University. My research is focused within the field of digitalization of power electronics and taking advantage of new wide bandgap semiconductor materials SiC and GaN in both low- and medium voltage renewable energy applications. In 2019 I received my PhD degree within the topic of packaging of wide bandgap power semiconductors using simulation-based design at AAU Energy, Aalborg University.I received my Masters Degree in Energy Engineering, with a specialization in Power Electronics and Drives from Aalborg University in 2016. During my Masters studies in 2015 I did a study abroad at University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. While pursuing my PhD degree, I was a visiting researcher at North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, US.
This website allows you to find more information about me, or to browse a list of my publications. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any requests or got a topic you wish to discuss.